Diet and lifestyle play a major role in heart health since behaviors like exercise, stress reduction, and proper nutrition have a direct impact on blood pressure, cholesterol, and cardiovascular health in general. It’s crucial to pay particular attention to heart health during holiday seasons like Diwali, which are marked by festivities and decadent cuisine. Festive foods are frequently heavy in fats, sweets, and sodium, which can strain the heart when paired with elevated stress and disturbed routines. People can enjoy the holidays without endangering their heart health by making thoughtful decisions about their nutrition, activity, and stress levels. We’ve put together a list of healthy holiday survival recommendations, so keep reading.
10 suggestions to maintain heart health throughout the holiday season
1. Choose healthier holiday fare
Heart strain can result from the high sugar and harmful fats included in traditional Diwali snacks. Selecting heart-friendly substitutes, such as confections made with nuts, seeds, and jaggery, helps satisfy cravings while supplying healthy nutrients. These substitutes lessen the effect on heart health by promoting stable blood sugar levels and good cholesterol.
2. Drink plenty of water
Sustaining blood volume and healthy circulation requires adequate hydration. Alcohol and caffeinated drinks are commonly drunk in greater quantities at festivals, which can cause dehydration and increase blood pressure and heart rate. Heart function can be supported by carrying a water bottle and paying attention to how much water is consumed.
3. Moderate consumption of salt
Consuming a lot of salt, which is frequently present in holiday snacks and meals, can increase blood pressure and induce water retention. Choosing snacks with less salt or substituting herbs and spices for salt can help manage blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart strain.
4. Restrict alcohol intake
Sometimes, more alcohol is consumed during celebrations, which can cause blood pressure to rise and heart rhythms to become erratic. Reducing consumption and substituting water for alcoholic beverages can help maintain heart health, avoid dehydration, and promote normal blood pressure levels.
5. Work on portion control
Stress on the heart and digestive system can result from overeating. Even richer foods can be enjoyed in smaller portions so as not to overburden the body. You can indulge thoughtfully and prevent unexpected blood sugar spikes and excessive fat intake by exercising portion management, both of which are good for your heart.
6. Schedule time for exercise
Even amid hectic celebrations, regular exercise can help offset the negative effects of stress and excessive eating. Simple exercises that promote circulation and lower blood pressure, like a morning walk or a few yoga poses, help balance off some indulgences and maintain a healthy heart.
7. Include foods high in fiber
Foods high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, help to keep cholesterol and blood sugar levels steady. By balancing out high-calorie items, their inclusion in meals promotes heart health. Fiber-rich foods facilitate better digestion and stop too much cholesterol from being absorbed.
8. Make sleep and relaxation a priority
Celebrations can cause sleep disturbances and late nights, which can affect stress hormone levels and blood pressure. A good night’s sleep allows the heart to heal and better handle stress. Making sleep a priority lowers stress and improves happiness, both of which are good for heart health.